The following amenities are available exclusively to Hillsdale Estates Association residents/members.
Park and Activity Field
An additional multi-acre park exists in the central valley of the project, approximately 1/2 mile from the entrance to Hillsdale. It includes a playing field and picnic area, with some trail and water amenities.
Equestrian Center
The fully fenced equestrian center is located at the western end of the central valley for easy access to public lands. The Center has a corral area with adequate grazing land, 22 individual stalls and a large riding arena. The facility is available for an additional monthly fee. See the Equestrian tap for more information.
Public Lands
Direct access to public lands provides the opportunity to the outdoor users who wish to bike, hike or ride horses direct from their own development. A map of the public lands is available from the Bureau of Land Management. The private entrances are available only to members of the Association. Public access is available near SR16 and N. Trumpet Ln.
Community Water System
Each lot is served with a domestic water system that supplies their household as well as their pressurized irrigation water, Each lot is assessed a water charge by the Homeowners Association.
The trail system is designed for pedestrian and mountain bike use. These trails are informal and are approximately 3 feet in width. No motorized vehicles are permitted on the trails.
Fishing Pond
Included in the natural common area is a 3 acre recreational/fishing pond (up to 12 feet deep). A continuously flowing stream starts near the entrance to Hillsdale Estates and feeds the pond(s). The main pond is designed as a warm water fishery (bass & blue gill). Use of the pond is restricted to Hillsdale residents and their guests. Fishing by residents can ONLY be done on a catch and release basis.
Located to the west of the fishing pond is a 2 acre wetlands pond. This facility is meant to attract waterfowl and songbirds. No fishing is allowed in this pond. This pond is only maintained when there is available water supply.